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  • #16 How Image Processing Became a Piece of Cake with ChatGPT and Code Interpreter

#16 How Image Processing Became a Piece of Cake with ChatGPT and Code Interpreter

#16: How Image Processing Became a Piece of Cake with ChatGPT and Code Interpreter

Well folks, today I'm going to spill the beans about something mind-blowing. If you've been living in a cave with no WiFi (in which case, how are you reading this?), you might not know how big a deal this is. But for those who know, buckle up.

Remember the good ol' days when image processing was as easy as climbing Mt. Everest in flip-flops? Well, those days are GONE. Yep, you heard me right.

With the magic combo of ChatGPT and Code Interpreter, you're just a few prompts away from performing complex image processing tasks. As if by magic, you're suddenly creating masterpieces with a few taps on your keyboard. Let's dive into this.

So, What's in the Box?

First off, let's break down what this killer duo of ChatGPT and Code Interpreter can do:

  1. Face Detection: More efficient than an FBI agent. You can now easily detect all the faces in an image.

  2. Image Transformation: Want to rotate, flip, scale or skew? Go wild! It's your canvas.

  3. Creating New Images: Crop out those faces, stick 'em together, and voila! You've got a brand-new image.

Sounds simple, right? That's because it IS. Now let's move onto the real action - how to get this show on the road.

Fire Up the Engine

Here's your step-by-step guide to get started with this:

  1. Fire up ChatGPT with Code Interpreter. Remember, this isn't just your regular ChatGPT. It's like ChatGPT on steroids.

  2. Upload an image. Could be your dog, your grandma, or even that random tree outside your window. Go wild!

  3. Now you start prompting. Like the genie of the lamp, Code Interpreter will follow your commands and start working its magic on your image.

Time to See the Magic

Here's a quick sneak-peek at what your commands could look like:

As simple as ordering a pizza. ChatGPT will promptly find all the faces hiding in your image. Creepy yet cool, right?

Twist it, flip it, scale it. Just like play-doh.

This is where things get really interesting. You get to create a brand-new image using just the faces.

And that, my friends, is how image processing became as easy as posting a tweet.

It's crazy to see how far we've come. Just a few years back, you would've needed a degree and a supercomputer to do half of this stuff. And now, you're just a couple of commands away from creating your very own work of art.

In the wise words of a very famous philosopher (aka, me), "The future is here, and it's damn exciting!"

Until next time,
