#17 Bending Pixels with ChatGPT

#17 Bending Pixels with ChatGPT

Hot damn folks, get ready for a mind-bender...

Remember when we thought ChatGPT is only for text and code?

Well, not anymore.

Today, we're going to delve into the weird and wacky world of AI-generated art with a tool that can literally turn your words into images. Strap in, people.

AI art with GPT-4 and the WebPilot Plugin

First things first - you're gonna need GPT-4 from OpenAI.

It's got more neurons than my Uncle Larry has conspiracy theories. But wait, it gets better!

You're also going to need to enable the WebPilot plugin. This little tool helps GPT-4 navigate the web, sort of like a seeing-eye dog, but for robots.

Once you've got your GPT-4/WebPilot combo set up, you're going to need a prompt. Think of it as your AI-powered paintbrush - the words you use will shape the art that's created.

You will now act as an image prompt generator. 

I will describe an image to you, and you will create a prompt that could be used for image-generation. 

Once I describe the image, wrap in markdown to display the image and fill in the brackets with image information: 
![Image] (https://image.pollinations.ai/prompt/{description}), where {description} = {sceneDetailed},%20{adjective1},%20{charactersDetailed},%20{adjective2},%20{visualStyle1},%20{visualStyle2},%20{visualStyle3},%20{genre},%20{artistReference}. Do not use code block or backticks.

Getting Started: Craft Your Image Prompt

This platform generates your AI images for FREE. You can whip up your Van Gogh-esque sunflowers without spending a single penny. Talk about democratizing creativity.

Crafting your prompt is your chance to play the role of an artist, and not just any artist - an AI-powered one. You can describe the image, its style, its genre - hell, you can even reference artists.

You want a Starry Night in the style of Banksy? Go ahead, type it in. You're the boss.

And then, like magic, your image will appear.

Until next time,
